Vermilion River Alliance (VRA)

The VRA is comprised of various stakeholder agencies across St. Landry, St. Martin, Lafayette and Vermilion Parishes.  Parish Presidents, Mayors, Police Juries, LDEQ, Soil and Water Conservation Districts and other stakeholders are represented at the meetings in an effort to increase efficient use of resources and knowledge needed to achieve progress in each Parish.

This private educational and networking meeting includes agency presentations and site visits to places of interest in the Teche-Vermilion Watershed. Breakfast and lunch are provided.

For more details about the next quarterly VRA Meeting in your parish please contact to inquire about any open seats.

Founded by BVPA in July 2014, and managed by the BVPA President, the VRA meets on a quarterly basis to hold meetings and share information about water quality, watershed improvement initiatives, bayou cleanups, and related public events.

What is the Vermilion River Alliance(VRA)?

The Bayou Vermilion Preservation Association has been holding Vermilion River Alliance meetings since 2014. View our past VRA Meeting Agendas to learn more!